On July 13th, Eden turned One year old.
To celebrate we invited our family and friends over for cake and ice cream in the backyard. The warm July weather was perfect.
Here's our little birthday girl.

Chloe wanted a picture with Edie and I don't think it could've turned out any cuter.
We are so lucky to be surrounded by such great family and friends. Aside from grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, Edie had 6 great-grandparents at her party. I am glad they are a part of her life, and that she is getting a chance to know them.
She was spoiled by absolutely everyone that attended. She made out like a bandit with a boat load of clothes and toys. This is the beautiful dress Alicia gave her. Thanks to everyone for all of the adorable gifts and for taking time to come party with us.
The spread.
The cake. Made with love by me. Okay. Made with love by the nice lady at Dick's bakery.
Attempting the candles. She needed a little assistance.
The traditional eating of the cake. Eden was apprehensive at first but then dug right in.

We let Indie in on the action. She just rubbed it all over herself.

I can't believe it was a year ago that Eden joined our family. The time has flown. She is such a sweet and funny little girl with a big personality. I have learned so much from her and I am amazed by how dang smart she is. She is a great example to her older sis and Indie is learning and growing so much just by being around her.
I love you Edie.