Saturday, December 5, 2009

My new kicks...

I ran faster and harder than ever today.


Or maybe I just wanted to get out of the freaking blizzard that hit mid run.


bevany said... came out of nowhere didn't it? One second you could see the sun and the next it was a blizzard. So weird!

Hannah Stayner said...

that looks freezing.

Anonymous said...

hey, good for you! looks freezing!
but... one small request...
if all of you running cousins and in-laws could quit running for the next 6 months it would really make living with my wife easier.
in fact, if you could pack on a few during the holidays and post that it would probably help.

Mindi said...

Jess, I was going to write about how great you look and how I would love to go for a run with you while we are in UT, but then I read cory's comment. So now I'm going to say that we should go gorge ourselves at Rodizio Grill then have dessert at The Cheesecake Factory. But only if you have coupons at both of those places that say "EAT ALL YOU WANT FOR FREE"!