Thursday, February 5, 2009

The experiment...


Indie will see Maddie crawl, feel the motion of crawling by being tied to Chloe and in effect crawl on her own.


Indie was just really scared...and still not crawling.

Back to the drawing board.

BTW...this all took place in August.  I am just barely getting around to posting it.


bevany said...

It's a good idea in theory...but my main question is why on earth are you all dressed like it's the middle of July? Love all your christmas must be feeling better if you're back to blogging.

Jessie said...

Did you get this idea after watching that Navy birth?

Loni and Tyler said...

that is the funniest thing I have ever seen!!! What a great idea! Maybe it will work sometime! So did I read right... is Tony going to the U for school instead of out of state??

Hillary said...

You gotta start with the "army crawl" first... :) Ben army crawled for MONTHS. Just start army crawling everywhere and she'll say "hey, maybe I can do that... that looks cool." What a cutie Indie is.

And did I read that you are staying in UT? That is cool I guess. :) I wanted to live vicariously through you living in Seattle... you know that is my dream town. "I WANT TO GO TO THERE!" :) But with the new babe UT will be a lot easier.

And I am with you sista... Promethazine (sp?) ROCKS!!!!!! I took that too and I LOVED it. It took the edge off just enough to make putting food in my mouth just bearable. I am asking for it as soon as I get preg again. I am so scared to be pregnant sick again... it sucks so bad. Hope you are through the woods.

Ok, sorry, I am running my mouth on and on... I am such a blabber. Hope you guys are good. It was great to see you at xmas and thanks for the comment on the blog. Good luck with all the excitement you have happening!!

Darla said...

Oh, that was cute! That little beebs of yours is so precious! And her cute cousins, too! Hope to see you guys in March!

Darla said...

p.s. I know you like Eiffel Tower art and saw this today:,-product.startDate&navCount=102&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=A_FURN_WALL&popId=APARTMENT_FURNISH&prepushId=