Thursday, February 11, 2010

To the birthday boy...

Tony turned 29 today.

He had to spend the day in class so we tried to make the most of the evening by going to dinner at the new Sonora Grill and getting a treat at Cold Stone. Thanks to Joan, Linds, Cort and Rodgie for the team babysitting.

Tony, I love you. You are my best friend and I'm so glad you were born.

Happy Birthday.


Joan said...

I'm glad you had a good time. The girls are darling and we loved every minute of it! My favorite is to watch Indie do ring a round the rosie!

Mindi said...

Hey Tony! Happy belated birthday! Yesterday was Ruby's 9 month birthday, too.

Cortney said...

Hope he had a great one. Can't wait to crack open the new game you got him:) Your girls were princeses.