Monday, April 27, 2009

Don't be surprised...

if this new baby comes out looking like this...
I can't stop eating Life cereal.  

We're talking at least one bowl a day...if not more.  For a while I was having it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  

It's healthy right?


Jessie said...

If my baby didn't come out looking like a can of Coke than yours won't come out as a chunk of Life Cereal.

Yes, I call it healthy. And, it is "Life" cereal, and you are growing this baby to "life". It's all very relevant.

The Bruces said...

Hey Jessica it Lori I hope you mind me taking a peek at your blog every now and then I just found you and Tony on Face Book and he gave me this link..... Congrats on the baby that is so exciting, and I hear you are moving to Seattle that is weird because we had a choice between moving to Seattle or Houston and we decided to go to Houston... and we are moving in August, Your little girl is so cute.. Keep in touch

Loni and Tyler said...

I love that! I can't wait for the cravings. Definitely healthy.

Darla said...

That's ALL my cousin eats when she's prego. There's something to be said about pregnancy cravings..maybe your body NEEDS Life cereal. (;