Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A little incident...

The other night Ind took a spill that left her with this rug burn...
Literally, you can see the rug lines.  Of course, this happened 3 days before we were supposed to get her pictures taken by Hannah.  It has since healed up very nicely "and you can't see the lines, can you Russ."  So Hannah I will be calling you to reschedule.

While we are on the topic of incidents I should tell you about Indie's first "trip" down the stairs.  A few weeks ago she was cruising around the kitchen and playing in the different cupboards.  I was in our bedroom and Tony was on the computer.  He was checking on her every few minutes and at the time there was a bunch of junk blocking the stairway and he figured she couldn't make her way around it.  Well he was wrong....our little explorer worked her way around the junk and took a tumble.  All I could hear was the awful sound of her tumbling down the stairs and Tony running to get her.  I went tearing through the house to find her lying at the bottom of the stairs with the most confused look on her face.  She cried and cried, it was seriously so sad.  The best part is she has crooked little teeth which I obviously know about but in that moment when I saw them I thought she had knocked her teeth crooked.  Tony had to calm me down and remind me they were already like that.  After a few minutes of crying she was no worse for the wear.  

Needless to say it is time for a gate.


Kim Smith said...

We love our Little Cruiser - but no more Bruiser please!! Both traumatic incidents for Indie - but I am sure - more so for Mommie and Daddy. Thank heavens kids are tough.
Rug burn or not...Indie remains the most adorable red headed little girl!

Cortney said...

I would have cried too, I'm sure you did Jess:) Indie is so cute...and no it's not too late to post about Easter.