Thursday, May 21, 2009


We just finished watching the tivo-ed finale of Survivor.

I love that show.  In 9 years and 18 seasons I have probably only missed 2 or 3 seasons.

In all that time I have never disliked anyone as much as this guy...
Did anyone else want to punch this joker right in the face?!?

I am glad I won't be seeing anymore of this "Dragon Slayer."

Speaking of t.v./people we don't like, my distaste for Coach was only rivaled by Tony's utter hatred of Adam who just lost American Idol.  That's a whole other story.

Obviously we watch way too much t.v.


Chelsea Covington said...

Ha, I love it! Joe hates Adam with all of his heart as well!

Cortney said...

We watch way too much TV also. Too many good shows!

bevany said...

I've never watched Survivor, but we didn't like Adam either. I'm so glad Kris won. We watch too much tv too. Don't feel bad about it :)

The Bruces said...

I really thought Coach was entertaining probably because he was such a dork and I couldn't stand him and all his crazy stories he told, But I thought it realy added something to this season.... I also tivo to many shows and watch way to much tv after the kids go to bed.

Jacki said...

I'm sure glad that Dad and I don't watch TV!!! I think that at one time we had 41 season passes! We do love it. Love you MOM