Thursday, September 18, 2008

Halloween 2007...

I have been meaning to flashback to last year's Halloween for a while.  Eventually I am going to print this puppy into a book and I want to have a record of that day.  Now that it is almost here again I thought I better jump on it.

We went to visit dad at work.  No, he is not dressed up for Halloween, that is what he wears everyday.  Everyone loved our chubby little pea.
When we are at mom's house we always put Indie in this pot that we have lovingly named "the pioneer bumbo" because pioneers didn't have bumbos so maybe they used pots like this to sit their kids in.  
I give you...Pea Soup.
Chlo was a sassy pirate.  She got to dress up for preschool. 
Mad was a fifties girl complete with a poodle skirt.
Here's Ind with my cousins Livy and Con Man.
 I can't believe how different she looks now, how different all the kids look.  A lot changes in one year.  It was a fun day and I can't wait to do it all again in a little over a month.  

I l.o.v.e. Halloween.


Jessie said...

I can't wait to see what cute little Indie wears this year! That pea soup gave me a good chuckle!

bevany said...

What a cute costume! I've been trying to decide what my girls are going to be. The pea soup was a classic picture. Hilarious!

Cortney said...

I can't wait to see what Indie will be this year:).

Parker or Jessica said...

Help...Jess, i need some ideas for Beckers for Halloween :) Such a cute little sweet pea, i love her!

Unknown said...

Jess that is adorable! you'll have to bring her in this year so we can see her in her outfit!