Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Clear as a bell...

Yesterday we spent another day at Primary Childrens.
Indie went in for an Auditory Brainstem Response in the Rapid Transition Unit.  Which basically means she had her hearing tested while she was sedated.  After the doctor put tubes in her ears in early July he wanted to see her back because the initial ABR they did at that time indicated she had moderate hearing loss.  We did a second test in a sound booth where they make noises and see how she responds, she did well but they wanted to do an additional ABR just to make sure.

Sadly, this is all getting easier for me, but I still cried when they took her back to sedate her.  They let me come in this time and wait with her until she was asleep.  That was a mistake.  They put a cute little oxygen mask on her until she fell asleep, much like a little puppy being put to sleep for a different purpose.  I couldn't stop thinking of Tuco.  

The test took over an hour, a very long hour.  

Finally the adorable Audiologist came to give us the news.  She was about a day older than me which made me contemplate what I have accomplished in my life while this young girl was becoming a doctor.  Anyways, the news was the same as last time.  Our little Indie has moderate hearing loss and will need little hearing aids.  This time I was prepared for this type of news.  I take comfort in the beautiful words her daddy blessed her with before the test.  In essence, whatever is meant to be will be.
She had a rough time coming out of the anesthesia this time.  They said she woke up too fast and that made her really cranky and totally out of it.  I tried to calm her down with her bottle or binki but I get too worked up when she is like that.  It is hard for me to see her in that condition because she is never that fussy normally.  Luckily, mom was there, she calmly bounced her back to sleep (the ample bosoms probably helped).  She slept for 20 minutes and woke up clapping and there's my girl.

She was a little groggy throughout the day and ready for an early bedtime but no worse the wear.
I've put my trust in the Lord all my life but now more then ever I know he has a plan for me and for my little baby.  I know that hearing aids will only increase the progress she is already making in her life.  

One day, whether in this life or hereafter, she will be hearing...

clear as a bell.


allie said...

Jess, I love your post, all 3 of you are amazing. We love you!

Jessie said...

It's amazing all of the things they can test these days. She's so lucky to be in your home, and you guys are so blessed to have such a little sweetheart. She's getting so big and more adorable every day!

Jacki said...

Once again you make a MaMa proud! Indie is truly the best baby! It was weird to see her not be her happy little self. We are very blessed to have her in our family! Love You MOM

Kim Smith said...

Heavy hearted - but so hopeful and grateful! Jessica, you are the blessing of our lives! I hope you find great solace in the remarkable way you are magnifying your motherhood. Indie is most blessed! "Whatever will be - will be okay!" I agree. So glad you were there Grandma Jack. Your "ample-ness" and calming influence to Indie and Jessica rippled out to the rest of us who were anxious. I love that we all have each other as we muck through mortality. Grateful Grammie

Chelsea said...

I spent 24 hours at Primary Children's and I was a wreck. I don't know how you do it Jess, you and Tony are truly an inspiration. I'm glad Indie is ok.

Lee Lee said...

Love you three so much. I am so grateful to be a part of your lives. I hope you know I love you all as if you were my very own. I am and will always be there for you, anywhere, anytime. Can't wait to spend time in St. George together. I treasure all we share. Bless little Indies heart...she truly is a joy.

Sarah said...

A mother is the greatest accomplishment you can claim. I have a love hate relationship with Primary Childrens. I was just there two weeks ago. I feel greatful for the blessing that I have been given so little to deal with. Our prayers are with you.

bevany said...

Way to make me cry. You are such a great mom. Little Indie seems like such a strong baby from all your posts. Good luck with everything...I can't even imagine.