Monday, September 28, 2009

Say that in my good ear...

About 2 months ago Indie took a pretty bad tumble. She fell right into my mom's wooden couch leg and oddly enough ended up bruising her ear. The poor little thing just screamed and rubbed her ear for about 5 minutes after it happened.
Her ear was very swollen and red for several days, I wasn't sure if it would ever be the same.
Eventually it turned purple and stayed like this for about two weeks.
Thankfully her ear is back to normal now.

Post Script:

Check out my family blog to see why we are so excited for my cousins Meagan and Chelsea!


Joan said...

Okay, I didn't even know that! That 1st picture is my all time favorite face. It is now my screen saver!

bevany said...

That's so sad! I wouldn't think your ear would be that a word? Poor girl! I'm glad it's back to normal.