Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Two for Tuesday...

Favorite thing this week:

My poppies

And when I say "week" I literally mean I only like them for the one and only week they are in bloom and then that corner of my yard goes back to being a weedy mess.
They start as these interesting little things...
And within a few days they look like these beauties...
I was trying to take a picture of Ind amongst them but she didn't like the grass, so then I held one up to her but all she was interested in was eating the stem.  But look at those suckers, they are as big as her head.
They really are beautiful, now I just need them to be weed-free.


Kim Smith said...

Love the "stem chewing poppy" the best. They really are lovely. It is a shame they don't last longer. It as least keeps you anticipating!

Unknown said...

That is so cute! Hey now we can be blogging friends!

Mindi said...

Wow, Jess, those are beautiful! Did they come with the house or did you plant them? Impressive either way.