Sunday, January 13, 2008

Church Time Drama...

This is us...dressed, ready and on time-for church...but this picture wasn't taken this morning.  No, this was months ago when our church was at 1 in the afternoon.  This morning we were still in bed when it came time for church.  Our church time recently changed to 9 in the morning and we have had some serious drama at the Smith home ever since.  

Last week we made it and were only a few minutes late but Indie and I were both ornery all day due to the lack of sleep.  

Last night Tony and I made an unwise decision of staying up until almost 2 a.m. to watch Saving Private Ryan.  Indie made an unwise decision of waking up at 2:30 a.m. and again at 7:15 a.m.  I then made a decision, again unwise, that I would not be attending church that day until the last hour (only because I had to teach the beehives or I probably wouldn't have gone to that either).  I wasn't sure which was worse, missing church or being a beast all day.  This week I chose sleep (and I am sure Tony is glad I did).  Please forgive me. Amen. 

P.S. Aren't my babies adorable!


J said...

I know it's horrible, but the whole post cracked me up. We just switched from 9 to 11 for church and were cracking up last week because we were still late for Sacrament Meeting.

I honestly don't think there's any time that is good when you have a napping toddler.

Mindi said...

Hey, Jess. I love your blog! You are amazing! The food and card exchange are wonderful ideas. I wish I had some friends that would do that with me here.

Jessie said...

We are having the opposite problem! We just switched from 9 to 1 and now Henry doesn't get a nap. He threw the biggest tantrum of his life last night.

You'll get used to it soon, and I hope we do too.