It is because of this competitive attitude and his ability to be a stickler for the rules that I now warmly refer to him as the "Scattergories Nazi." (Note: you must raise your arm in the Nazi salute while using said name.)
While we were playing Scattergories a few weeks ago the subject was "things that are cold" and the letter was "F" so I, having experienced cold feet nightly upon hopping into bed, put feet. This, however, was not a valid answer according the Scattergories Nazi. He said feet are not inherently cold, blah blah blah, heated debate ensued, etc.
I felt my only option, my only defense, was to take a poll and obviously I wasn't the only one who thought it was a good answer, eleven people agreed. And to the three people who said it wasn't (I am still not thoroughly convinced it wasn't Tony voting from other computers) I say, I know someone who would love to play a mean game of Scattergories with you.
Hail Tony
Well Tony wasn't the only one that voted no, I did too. Wouldn't t have to be something that is cold all the time and started with 'f' like Frosted Rock? Maybe it's a woman thing, Britnie's feet are always cold, she warming them up n my even during the middle of the summer. So she probably thinks of feet as being cold as well.
I love that game. When Rodger and I play it too, Rodger is so very competitive. It's fun though. I agree with Jessica, feet are cold. I was one of the 11 that agreed.
This is turning into a Battle of the Sexs on opinion. It is a "man" thing - you are still right Jessica. I thought so the very night of the "incident" and I continue to think so now.
I look forward to your blog updates as much as I look forward to "Indieday!" They both make me smile. Thanks for the joy!!
Tony - I still love you in spite of your opinions...Mom
Jessica the next time you climbed into bed make sure your feet are as cold as possible and stick them on bare backside. However I do know a family that seems to be just as competitive as your husband. Maybe you have played RISK with Ben????? Needless to say I got in a small tiff over rolling dice. Thank heaven they are only games, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prove your point....
Parker and I also vote your husband as the RULE NAZI OF ALL GAMING!!!
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