Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thank you Aunt LeAnne...

I have this "thing" for getting the mail.

I always have.

Growing up I was the one to run out to the mail box, in the Provo house it was more of a race between me and Elly to get to our little mail box on the side of the house, and now I have this cute little hole in my wall where my mail is delivered right to me.  I can be sitting in my living room and reach over to get the mail.  I love it.

Our little mail slot sometimes makes it difficult to fit larger items in so I normally check outside just in case something big is on the porch. 

I check the mail constantly.  Our mail lady doesn't come until about 5 but I check a few times before that just in case and sometimes I check a few times after I pick it up, you know, just in case...I know...cuckoo (I guess that's the OCD talking).

Most of the time it is junk mail or bills but occasionally I get something personal which is so exciting.

So Saturday I did the normal check the slot, check the porch and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a lovely white package addressed to Miss Indie Marie.

We tore into that sucker like it was our job and this is what we found...
My mom's sister LeAnne made Ind this beautiful quilt.

All I could do was cry.

It is just gorgeous and I kept thinking about how if my grandma were still alive she would be doing this same thing.
I have a special place in my heart for handmade items.  They take so much thought, effort and time.  I know from experience what goes in to making a quilt.  My sweet Aunt is making these quilts for all of her grandchildren and all 3 of her sisters grandchildren.  There are 19 of us kids so you can imagine how many grandchildren that is...I think there are 22 so far and half of my cousins haven't had kids yet.  What a big job LeAnne.
We truly love it.  Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful gift.


Jessie said...

What a cute blanket! Indie looks like she loves it too!

Mindi said...

I hear you, Jessica. It was such a delight to get Tristan's blanket. Le Anne will go down in history for her quilting skills and generosity.

Jessica said...

Aunt LeAnn...you ARE amazing. What a treasure ! You will always be a part of every loving stitch. Think of all the lives you have sewn together. Thanks from a Grandma who does not quilt! Indie looks beautiful all wrapped up!

Darla said...

LOVE IT!! Le Anne is INCREDIBLE! Such a blessing to have such a good family. I looked up that female artist by the way. She's rad! I need new music!