Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Feature...

Today I would like to feature our best friends:

Neil and Allison Adams

We met Neil and Allie about 4 or 5 months after we got married, in the summer of 2003.  We were in the same ward and one day Neil just came up to us and asked if we wanted to run the St. George marathon with them.  We have been best friends ever since.
Neil currently works for Waste Management and is a bomb salesman, he could sell a ketchup popsicle to a women in white gloves or however that saying goes.  He is extremely personable and becomes fast friends with anyone he meets.  Allie is a stay at home mom and makes vinyl on the side.  She is so creative, talented and smart.  She is a great mom, a wonderful homemaker and an amazing cook.

Beckett James, 3

Beckett is the smartest kid I know.  He can run a computer better than most adults and has an amazing vocabulary.  He loves reading, Spiderman and his cowboy boots.

Fischer Lucas, 11 months

Fischer was born exactly one week before Indie and is the cutest little narfer ever.  He has about 6 teeth and will eat just about anything including his crib.  He is always smiling and is a very content baby.  We are hoping that Indie will wait for him while he is on his mission so they will get married and we can connect our families eternally.  Or maybe I am thinking ahead a little too doesn't hurt to dream, right?
We have had so many adventures with Neil and Al and have made so many memories.  We have experienced a lot of life together and can't wait to experience even more.  We are so glad Neil came up to us that day.  It is rare to find two couples that get along so well, it is like family.  We are so blessed to have them in our lives.

We love you guys.


Brooke said...

I think Fish is trying to hold Indie's hand in the picture you posted. He may already have a thing for her!

allie said...

We love you guys too! I think that Beckett and Fischer will be fighting over Ind!

Katy said...
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